I had this really great plant in the yard of the rental house I live in. Over the weekend my Landlord ripped it out of the ground, thinking it was a weed. Now I am devistated because I really liked it, and I have no idea what it is. I tried to bring pictures to a nursery, but they said they needed a sample which I don't have anymore. If some one knows what kind of plant this is please let me know!!! If the pictures are unclear, the plant got to 5 feet tall, and it has thorns all over the stalk and along the rib of the leaves. It was trying to bloom, but never did so I dont know what kind of blossoms it has. I was thinking maybe a thistle, and someone said some kind of Yucca. I have not clue, and any info would be greatly appericated. Thanks!!
I took them with my camera phone because I dont have a digital camera. I am more than willing to email you pictures if that works too.
You've only uploaded the thumbnails from whatever photo application you might have. We need the full photographs.
But for what it's worth, it looks like Dipsacus, or teasel. See this image of Dipsacus fullonum - might not be that species, though.
I think it is a Dipsacus fullonum. I googled searched additional pics of the plant, and I think that right. I am just really sad because compared to the pics I can find I had a really heathly, and large plant :( Oh well, thanks for all 0f your help!!!!
If that is Lynwood, WA your landlord might have done so out of self protection. Dispsacus fullonum is on the State Noxious Weed list and is invasive enough to pull before it flowers. Better to find it in the wild to admire it. Usually found in marsh/wetland areas. Harry
Ah Teasel! one of my favorite plants!! Been growing this species since 1968!!! I really like this plant. It may be a weed but around here it is not all that invasive and it is easy to pull up. It can be used as a temporary barrier and the dried flower heads are often spray-painted and used in flower arrangements!
Thanks again. I was afraid that it was a noxious weed. Oh well, I feel better about it being gone now. I liked it because it had gotten so big!