I bought a packet of wildflower seeds a few years back and this plant keeps cropping up. I have always just pulled it out of the flower bed since I thought it was a weed, but last year I changed my plants around, and this has returned. In the places where it shows up it doesn't look too out of place, but I would like to know what kind of plant it is and if there are positive uses for it, whether to eat, or for holistic medicinal purposes.
I have mexican primrose with pink flowers that look nothing like this plant. The leaves on this plant are much much larger. I did a google search for evening primrose and I see how you could suggest this, but the leaves on this plant seem longer and wider than those seen on googel search results. I'll wait till the summer for flowers to bloom. I will probably get a clearer picture about what this plant is by then. Thank you for your response.
Oenothera, and you might not want to let it seed out in your yard. They can be a pest in the right conditions. HTH Chris
Thank you for your replies. 2 for 2 in similar opinions. But there is no stem with flowers or pods on this plant. When would they show up?
The common one like this is Oenothera x glazioviana. Which particular species you have becomes possible to determine when flowers are produced.
Thank you all for helping identify this plant. It is indeed Evening Primrose. One of the plants is just starting to show yellow flowers. I'm going to let it bloom to it's maximum to see if I like this plant in my yard. There are several growing in strategic locations on the perimeter of my front yard. It's a very healthy plant here in Southern California. I think it came with a small bag of wildflower seeds that I bought several years ago. Up till now the only flowers that bloomed from that mix were ForgetMeNots.