Допоможіть індифікувати. Сосна з голками, зібраними по дві і довжиною до 15 см. Росте дуже повільно. Рослина приблизно 15-17 років. Висота близько 1,6 метра. Відрізняється тим, що дає приріст у другій половині літа у вигляді коротких голок, зібраних у пучки, які досягають звичайної довжини на другий рік на початку літа.
English translation: Help identify. A pine tree with needles collected in pairs and up to 15 cm long. It grows very slowly. The plant is approximately 15-17 years old. The height is about 1.6 meters. It differs in that it gives growth in the second half of summer in the form of short needles collected in bundles, which reach the usual length in the second year in early summer. @Ftoro.OK , if you are able to, please use English for correspondence on the forums.
Needles up to 15 cm is too long for Pinus sylvestris. It looks more like a Pinus nigra cultivar to me. by google translate: Хвоя до 15 см для Pinus sylvestris занадто довга. Мені це більше схоже на сорт Pinus nigra.
MOBOT has it under P. nigra, without mentioning the widespread practice of attributing it to P. sylvestris. And I remember now it being pointed out elsewhere that it would be a form of P. nigra rather than P. sylvestris. Presumably this kind of thing happens because so many conifer variants pounced on and propagated by enthusiasts (including those with commercial production operations) are morphologically aberrant. So, a clone not looking like typical plants of a species it is being circulated as won't necessarily cause immediate questioning of such placement. Pinus nigra subsp. laricio 'Globosa Viridis' - Plant Finder (missouribotanicalgarden.org)