Our office is home to a tall, very skinny palm tree of unknown origin. Can someone A) help identify it and B) provide advice as to how I might prune it to encourage more horizontal, rather than vertical, growth? The trunk is also getting skinnier and skinnier which is another reason I'd like to halt the vertical growth...
that actually isnt a palmt.. it looks liek a draceana of some sort. in the bottom picture... the plant that is jsut into the picture to the left of the plant is a palm tree
may be a veriety of dracene fragrans. repotting first, if plant stronger, make a stem cutting and new sprout coming out for twin or triple trunk you can decide.
ok its a draceana dermensis " lemon - lime". it need a bigger pot and mabey a little more light so it doesnt looks so sickly.
its isn't a draceana, its a yucca you can tell by the flaking bark and the sharp tips of the branches, if you cut the tree if half and place the top portion in water it will root and the trunk will sprout. Plus yuccas love full sun and to be a bit on the dryer side so put it near a window so it will get more light and you won't get weak leggy growth like it has now.
I'm wondering if compare with http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=21916 http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=4542 Both of the above three are a little bit similar, but different plant. I'm looking for a right answer as well. thanks !
the first picture you posted Kome is a yucca and the secind is a draceana fragrans, they do look similar but are diferent plant the yuccas have coarser and sharp foliage while the draceana has smoother and larger foliage, also yuccas usually get flaking bark as they age and draeceana don't. But then again there is Dracaena aletriformis which looks just like a yucca and is hard to tell apart from the photos, it usually has to be identified in person.