Identification: What kind of indoor Plain is this.

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by splittingcells, Jan 28, 2008.

  1. splittingcells

    splittingcells Member

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    Plain Dealing, La USA
    I recieved this plant as a gift and I would like to know what it is so I will know how to care for it.
    Thanks, Melody

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  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Looks like Crassula ovata, Jade.
  3. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    I noticed what looks like moss on the top of the soil. You might want to discard that since it can keep the soil moist, or moist longer. Being a succulent plant, you'll want it to dry between waterings.
  4. splittingcells

    splittingcells Member

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    Plain Dealing, La USA
    Okay, thank you. I will do that now. I really didn't pay much attention to that. I live in louisiana, do you think I should keep it in the house or would it make it outside. It say's it does better when it is cool, and it gets extremely hot here in the summer.
  5. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    beautiful jade plant!!!!!! (and old! they don't grow too quickly and the trunks are a really good size!)

    definitely remove the moss - you don't want the base of the trunks rotting!!

    also, moving it into an unglazed clay pot WITH a drainage hole would be a good idea. you can always put the clay pot in a larger and more decorative ceramic planter so that it looks nice.

    they do okay in the heat. humidity would be more of an issue for them, so, you might want to put it outside only when it's not too humid and then bring it back in when the really humid season hits, not sure of the conditions where you are...if it's very humid all the time, then keep it inside.

    it should be in a very well-draining mix (use cactus mix) and you should let the soil dry out before watering again. i always water my jades (and other succulents) from the bottom: put the pot in a lipped dish or bowl and put in some water and let it get soaked up into the soil. repeat until the the top of the soil just starts to feel moistened. you'll also see the side of the clay pot changing - it'll get a little darker from the moisture and will feel cool to the touch.

    i usually water every couple of weeks in the winter and just a little more frequently in the summer (it's kind of the same temp year round in my house - regardless of heat or a/c).

    they like full sun and they will also do well in not so much sun. just don't change it's sun exposure (regardless of whether up or down) too quickly. jades can be a bit finicky with changes - they don't like them too much. so, make any changes gradually.

    also, rotating it every watering will keep it growing evenly and keep the color good on the leaves.

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