I inherited some hostas but I don't know what variety they are. Also, do they look like they have the HVX virus? It could be winter damage as well. Thank you for the replies.
With many thousands of cultivars of hosta someone could post the name of a cultivar it looks quite like and still not have given you the correct name. Visiting local outlets and comparing ones offered there closely with yours might be more reliable.
Haven't seen both puckered and darker areas like that before, if that fits the virus then maybe it is. To know for sure would have to be sampled and tested.
My initial reaction to the picture of the clump was: 'Albomarginata' probably 'Fortunei Albomarginata'. It's difficult to get an idea of the size of the plant from the posted picture though and indeed, it could well be 'Ginko Craig'. To be able to pass judgement on whether the puckering is because of HVX rather than cold damage, requires a larger, higher resolution picture than what you have posted at the moment. And good for you for even asking the question, too many people ignorant about HVX.