I recently bought a dairy farm in central New York State and was pleased to discover an old apple orchard. There are over one hundred apple trees. Mixed in with the apple trees are other fruit trees with 2 to 3 inch thorns along the trunks and limbs. The thorns are spaced rather far apart. The trees are about the same size as the apple trees. Could they be another variety of apple? Any ideas? I can't get the extenstion agent out to see them for another month or so, due to the amount of snow still on the ground.
Seems like it might be a Wild Plum, but the ones here dont get as high as a apple unless your apple trees are dwarf size.
Thank you. I think you may be right. There are two sizes of the apple trees, one quite large and the others smaller. The mystery trees are the size of the smaller apple trees. I hope they are plums. I'll take pictures next time I am up there. Thanks Again, Debbie