Please tell me what kind of plant this is and if it's poisonous to cats? I have a cat that is doing rather poorly.....I'm calling the vet tomorrow and taking him in. Sometimes the dead leaves of this plant fall to the floor and most of the time I pick them up, but sometimes the cat has access to them if I'm not home. This plant came with my house when I moved in and it keeps growing and vining around. I have several replantings of the plant in different pots. The pink flowers are so pretty and when the flower is full bloom it opens up with a red seed inside. Some people have said it might be a Sweet Pea variety. So if anyone can identify it for me I would really appreciate it! Thanks! Sue
I'm sorry to hear about your cat. The plant may or may not be involved, but if you still wish to have it ID'd some clearer images would help. A shot of only a stem with several leaves, a close up of one leaf, one flower all would help. Ralph
Please ID this Plant I have some better pictures here then my last post, to help you ID this plant. This plant starts out with this white bloom, which later turns to a pink color and then it gets a green seed which eventually turns red. After while the pink blooms turn purple and then die. Thanks in Advance! Sue
see this thread for a possible match to ID this plant/flower.