A friend gave me a Mimosa seedling 5 years ago. I nursed it in a pot for a year and transplanted it in my yard. It has grown, but it is only Five feet tall now. This summer it bloomed beautifully, as the blossoms were finishing, the leaves started turning yellow ans falling off, like it would in the fall, so I gave it some miracid, because I thought that it was defieient in iron, or something, anyway, the tree sent up new growth and new blooms, now the whole tree is leafless and full of pods, but looks like it is dying. I know that it is September, and some trees are starting to lose their leaves, but the mimosas down the street are still very green, and healthy looking. Do I have some sort of fungus, or do I need to ammend the soil? Please help.
I would suggest it may be drought stress over Summer. Were/are the others being watered more than yours?
My mimosa has been tended to, watered, etc...However it is in complete sun the whole day. Maybe the sun is too strong for it. I have since spoken with someone from here who says that the mimosa doesn't live very long and tends to die after it blooms. I don't want to believe that! I looked in an old Wise Garden Encyclopedia and it said that Mimosa is susceptable to wilt and that there is no cure for it. That it defoliates the tree and death happens within a year of this. However my book was published in 1951. The current Wise Garden Encyclopedia says nothing of the sort. Should I find something for wilt. What do you recommend?