A few years ago I purchsed this Colorado Blue Spruce from a rural nursery. This year this plant begins to grow and now is starting to flower. The flower is quite attractive and never really seams to open completely. Creamy white apparent 5 ? Petal flower about 2/3 meter tall. Has leaves that appear like Tiger Lilly but much more spaced and one side equal to one on the other spaced parallel to each. Is it a weed or should I keep it going? Today the flower has opened wide and it is a 10 petal flower not five. skip
I believe your "weed" is Silene alba, the European white campion. It is an annual species, often included in wildflower mixes. See this image from a British native plants website.
Hi Doug, Thanks for your help, I have looked at your suggested page and this plant is very much like the one I have here. Thanks again, Skip