You are absolutely right Luke. My clue was going to be "there are only 2 of these in the world ." = Polar ice caps. Quote from plant tag. Polar Caps During the colder months, the Wollemi Pine becomes dormant and its growing buds develop an attractive white waxy coating with ruby pink lines. This protects its growing tips and is thought to have helped it survive many ice ages. When spring arrives, the caps melt away and the new growth bursts through. It is not uncommon for new buds (from one to multiple) to grow from beneath or through the polar cap.
I love this plant. I'm visiting Australia this July to see the trees at the mount annan botanical gardens. Can't wait!!
This Picture was taken at my local nursery . The tree is about 2 ft tall. They cost $55 Aus. I see they sell for $99 Us in America. And they are only 8 inches tall.