I would like to know ... what is this, how do I take care of it, how do I get it to have more foliage, what conditions are best for it, why are leaves wilting, etc.
The lighter green leaf center is suggestive of Dracaena fragrans, Corn Plant. The leaves do not look like they are wilting. One leaf is rather crispy but the others look pretty much normal.
My husband said that when he had "overwatered" it in the past, the leaves got "crispy" or very yellow ... is that true? I was told it's like a palm, so I needed to treat it as though it were more of a desert-type and barely water; however, that caused it to just stand there ... I would like to have more "shoots" but I don't know how ... to me, it just looks like a stick with "hair" ... what can I do with it?
Hi: I have one too, but I put mine outside each year and it's doing fine. I water it along with everything else. I bought it at Lowes on sale. Mine came with two sticks with the hair on both sticks. I'll go look at the ones at Lowes and find a name on the tag also. I do know it does not like sun and the leaves will crisp up when I move it out of the shade. Hope this helps and when I find out the name, I will post it. Rose
Here is a factsheet on Dracaena, if it turns out that's what this plant is. Since it is rather leggy I would consider air-layering the top to create a new plant. Once the top has been removed the remaining stem can then be trimmed to the desired height. The trimmings can also be used to produce more plants. Both these propagation methods are possible according to the document.
Rose, Thank you for your information. I would sincerely appreciate any information you could give me. You live in Alabama? What is the weather like to where you can leave it outside? I live in Spokane, WA ... we get ALL seasons here, so I don't think that it would be wise to do that; however, I would like to know your thoughts as to how cold it gets when you decide to bring yours indoors. Thanks again. Junglekeeper...thanks to you too! :0) I'm going to investigate for further pics on these specimens.
Our weather in Alabama is much milder than yours, however, I get all my inside plants back inside as soon as there is a weather warning of a possibility of a frost. All go outside too as soon as any frost is over. Everything inside gets rainwater during the winter which just perks up all of my indoor plants, you might want to try that too. When I start bringing in my plants they also get a bigger pot and new planter mix. Also the old watering test is to stick your finger into the soil and if it's dry then that's the time to water. Next time I go to Lowes, or Walmart, I'm going to look for a tag and let you and I know what it is. I sure wish my plant was that easy to find. I've gone to site after site with no avail. Next trip is to the library, surely my poor plant has a name. Good luck to you, will be in touch when I find out about your and my plant's name. Rose
do you have a picture of yours? i was in horticulture for 3 years in highschool ... Oh, and I found mine ... it's a Dracaena Michiko, from Hawaii ... I even found how I can propagate the plant too! :0) Let me know if I can help you. :0)
it is a Corn plant .. and it does need more light .. dont let it dry out to much .. water it less then some of the normal houseplants.. but dont let it get dried out .. water about every week and a half .. Marn