Hello! :) i planted lupine seeds on the shady side of my house and there are these little cute weeds that grow on that side of the house only. I think they are attracted to moist areas. Well where i planted my lupine there are hundreds of these sprouts growing there now! and i will show pictures of the weed from the sprouts to what i think are fully grown. Can you help identify the weed? And will they harm the seeds of my flowers or would it be a problem after my flowers become grown? (im a beginner) Oh yes i live in riverside, ca by the way..
One on the right is chickweed - an edible salad plant characteristic of gardened (moist and organic) soils.
I would encourage you to weed these from your garden unless of course you plan on preparing it for salad.......this weed is vigourous when left untouched, albeit not harmful to the garden... also makes for great chicken feed for the coup.
So is it okay if i leave them? what if i took some of them like the ones around the lupine? i think they are pretty weeds but i dont want them to choke out my lupine. im kinda worried about that lol