Hi, I think this is a tree... it's on the edge of my yard but I never noticed it before because I think this is the first year that it's had flowers. The flowers almost look like apple blossoms to me, but the leaves don't. Any ideas? Thanks!
Ooh, that's interesting. I did think it might be an apple tree from the beginning. I have a huge crab apple tree in my front yard that's about 25 feet tall and about 35 years old. Its flowers are completely white, and the petals are shaped slightly different, but they do look very similar. Just the leaves are different. So I guess it's a different type. I wonder how it got there. Like I said, I never noticed it before. It's probably only a couple of years old because it's only about 5 feet tall. so maybe this is the first year it's had flowers on it... I wonder what the apples will look like. The flowers do also look very close to cherry blossoms that I've looked up. So... if anyone else wants to chime in, that would be great, because now it's just 50-50!
I also think it is an apple now, even if it was loooking a little like cherry. Propably from a seed dropped by some bird, I have small apple trees coming up under large trees where the birds use to hide