I was just given this tree as a gift. It needed to be potted, so I did, but haven't seen any improvments yet. I am notorious for over-watering plants, afraid I am doing it again. The leaves are all droopy. I don't know what it is so I can't research how to care for it. Thanks!
Just be careful if you want to plant this outside in the garden. It is very thirsty and sends roots looking for water, especially water pipes, and has been known to "tap" into clay or terracotta water pipes. Enjoy Ed
Plant shown is more drooping and rolled up than normal. Check soil moisture. Do not expose to low temperatures, needs tropical conditions. Can even develop botrytis in cool building interiors.
Thanks everybody. I plan on keeping it indoors. So far I have kept the soil moist, is that good? The weather is pretty chilly right now, it's by a window trying to get sun.