Looks like our old friend, Dracaena 'Janet Craig'. Welcome to the Forum! Dracaenas DO flower, but it takes 'em a while to do so. It is a sign that they are mature and happy (goals to which we all should aspire.)
Thanks for the quick response. It looks like you are exactly right! Now I have some idea of what to do with it, lol.
Hey, good luck to you and Janet both. Clearly you have been doing something right for the past 10 years---she looks pretty good. But: I suspect some (minor) moisture issues...leaf tips look dry. When did you last repot? And, is Janet living in a dry environment? Happy New Year!
I last repotted probably 3 years ago. I was prepared to repot again but after reading up on the plant I realized that im supposed to get a pot with a hole in it so the water can drain. The air in my place is pretty dry.