I received this plant today, I have no idea what it is, it didn't have a tag. Does anyone know what it is?
It looks like some sort of Aphelandra species (Zebra plant), but the rounded leaves are throwing me off, as many Aphelandra have leaves that come more to a point. You said you received it. Perhaps tracking down the nursery where it was obtained may help.
My first thought was Aphelandra too, because the pattern of variegation is so similar. But Aphelandras have paired (opposite) leaves whereas this appears to be producing a spiral succession of leaves. So what can it be? Taurusxiled: can you tell us if it has milky sap? Just a small pin prick in stem or leafstalk will usually reveal this.
It is really too skinny of a stem to prick. I found out from the person that gave it to me that she was told the stripes fade and turn dark green, if that helps.
In looking up images for another ID request, I found some forms of Codiaeum variegatum that look almost like this. The leaf shape does not quite seem right though. taurusxiled, can you tell us more? What do the undersides of the leaves look like?
The underside of the leaves are a brighter solid green than on the tops of the leaves. I wanted to post more pictures to show you, but the batteries in my camera died. Where the leaves meet the stem, there is a pinkish-red hue.