Identification: What is this large tree... and how can I trim it?

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Amazonica, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. Amazonica

    Amazonica Member

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    vancouver, bc, canada
    I'm not sure what this large, beautiful indoor tree is. Some kind of dracaena I think... not spiky like a yucca, and with thinner leaves than a Ti plant (and no pale green stripe on the leaves).

    And, more perplexing to me is how to trim it back. It has become very tall, growing slowly but steadily over almost a decade, and the crowns look as though they will soon be too heavy for the slender branches to support them. There are no nub-like protrusions on the branches/stems, so I don't think I can cut the crowns off and repot them. I would hate to chop the branches right near the base (where someone already made two cuts - see pics) and discard the crowns, because they are so lovely... but I will if that's the only way.

    Does anyone know what this plant is, and how I can solve this too-tall problem?

    Thanx much!

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  2. K Baron

    K Baron Well-Known Member

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    North Vancouver, B.C., Canada
    Hello, this plant is a Dracaena fragrans, also commonly known as a Corn Plant.

    You can cut the stalk, and replant the cutting. Over a few months new buds will develop at the top of the cut stalk... enjoy new crop of plants!
  3. Amazonica

    Amazonica Member

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    vancouver, bc, canada
    Thanks K Baron! It's good to know that I won't have to wait another half-decade to have a nice bunch of foliage again. :-)

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