Can anyone tell me what this hardy plant is. I have watched and it has stayed green all through the winter, even though we have had a lot of weather below freezing. It even stayed green through the parts when the temps were in the single digits. Thanks, Phyllis
It looks like that to me too. (And, by the way, a very large number of plants are evergreen even here in zone 3, where it gets to -35 deg C and worse.)
The vein pattern (visible on the upturned leaf, especially) resembles that of Stachys officinalis, whereas the veins on the basal rosette leaves of Eryngium radiate out from the petiole.
I thank eveyone for their replies. Would another picture with the whole plant be more helpful? Phyllis
Phyllis, please wait a bit, later in the year it will flower, please add more pics to this post then. That will help all of us to give you a correct id.
I think that if the plant was Stachys it would then have square and pubescent stems, as well as opposite and pubescent leaves.
Updated pic on hardy plant The plant has bloomed. It has purple buds, but the flowers are yellow. And the plant has two distinct types of leaves. I hope this picture will provide enough info for a positive id. Thanks, Phyllis
It looks like Senecio aureus. Some good pics here....
After visiting the link you posted, I can say that the mystery is solved. Thank you so much, and thanks to everyone who posted to help me with this. :-) Phyllis