Certainly looks like a cocoon or egg sack of some kind, can't tell from the photo. Your citrus seems to be nitrogen deficient from the leaves, and the branch next to the cocoon seems to have a fungus infection. You might want to remove the "cocoon", cut the infected branch off, and give the citrus a good dose of fertilizer. Probably one high in nitrogren and containing micro-nutrients...
Yes, this tree has been struggling right after I planted it in the ground. Seems to be slowly recovering. It was thriving in the pot. Should have left it alone! Turns out, that egg sack is from a praying mantis. So I will leave it alone.
Preying mantis! cool! I would recommend doing the other items though, your citrus will be much happier.
i cut off the dead branch. i think this tree is over watered. I use organic fertilizer, fish fertilozer and a dose of iron. need to calm down with the watering I think