I took a picture of this plant/weed on my property in Orangeville, Ontario. I was wondering what it is, and possibly any interesting characteristics of it. There are lots of them around the property.
I think this is a Great or Common Mullein - Verbascum thapsus. Biennial plant (usually) This would be the first year rosette of leaves that will sprout a great long flower shoot in the second year. Considered an invasive alien weed in many parts of North America. Search this site & you will find a number of previous threads about Mulleins. gb
..or it could be Lamb's Ears - Stachys byzantina. A perennial. In this case it would have flower stalks about 2 feet (Canadian...bilingual ...0.6m) tall with (typically) purple single flowers. Tend to self spread themselves around in my garden - a little too succesfully. Sorry for the afterthought. I think the Verbascum is more likely. gb
Thank you very much gb! I checked the site and found some other pictures of Mulleins / Verbascum thapsus. I've seen bigger one's of the one's I've taken and it's definitely it. ow
Yes, they now seem to be able to get quite tall. I've found one so far that was over 8' and about 1 to 1 1/2 inch diameter at the base.