Hi all, i hoped that the picture has attatched... It has only flowered twice in around 30 yrs, anyone tell me anything about it? What it is????
From http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~vm5s-tjm/e/ichihatu.htm: Ichihatu is naturalized plant, from China.It is distinctive charastristic of this flower to have cockscomb-like frill at outer petal. There is no midrib at leaf. In old days, people planted Ichihatu flowers on straw-thatched roof of Japanese houses to protect strong wind. Japanese name Ichihatu(=first *) is from that this flower blooms earlier than other iris. Many people may not notice the flowers nestled within the foliage clumps. http://hort.ufl.edu/shrubs/IRITECA.PDF.