I was given a slip of this tropical looking plant from the old owners of the house my parents just moved into. She said it was called a dolphin plant but i can't find any info on it under that name.......it's folage is long green stem with flat elongated spade shaped leaves. the flower itself is about 3" long and bright orange and looks just like a dolphin. Please help as this slip is still in water rooting and i will soon have to plant it.Thanks a bunch! PS sorry i don't have any pics at this time as it isn't flowering yet.
i tried the net to research columnea bilbergiana and there doesn't seem to be any match out there......is there any other name for this plant?
The spelling was wrong, it should have been spelled, columnea billbergia. Try Lipstick Plant (Aeschynanthus radicans)
Must admit I've never seen a flowering plant that looked even remotely like this! [NOAA public domain pic]
The only thing I can think of that would fit that description somewhat, is Schlumbergera in bud before the blossoms open.
Does it look anything like this? Dancing Dolphin Vine (Columnea 'Julia'). http://www.columbian.com/photo/photos/09_26_06.jpg
i will try to get a pic of the flower.....it really does look like an orange dolphin....really i'm not crazy
how do you think it is best to deal with this now.....sorry....i am no green thumb....should this be rooting in water...and then what.....any particular pot for best results?????help... i would really like to see this plant do well and of course...bloom for me. Thanks!
Here's a link that may help some.... http://www.gesneriads.ca/gencolum.htm Carol, I thought the flowers looked a little sharky too, lol.
Hate to be technical but the name Columnea billbergia does not register on the International Plant Names Index as a valid name. I tried TROPICOS as well but that site is temporarily down. Also checked CATE and ePIC (both services of the Royal Botanic Garden Kew in London) and neither recognize that as a legitmate name.
Checked in case Columnea billbergia might be a simple typo: in the IPNI search page, entering Columnea in the genus box and bil% (% = wildcard) in the species box soon confirms this is the case. The correct spelling and citation is Columnea billbergiana Beurl., Vet. Akad. Handl. Stockh. 1854 (1856) 135.
Good find Michael! I often do the same on TROPICOS but that site was down this morning. I rarely use IPNI, only when I can't find it on the MOBOT site. Thanks!
The strange thing is that if one puts "Columnea billbergiana" into google, one gets 81 hits, but are also asked 'Did you mean: "Columnea billbergia"'. If one then goes there, one only gets four hits, one of them this thread, and no suggestion to go back to try Columnea billbergiana. Oh, the weirdness that google can sometimes show!
hello folks.... yep its me again....thanks for all your hard work earlier to find the name of my plant.. just an update....the plant is coming along very nicely...growing and a nice green color....now.....any hints as to when this guy may flower and is there any tricks of the trade in aiding the flowering process????
Plant is actually a Columnea microphylla a species of Gesneriaceae native to Costa Rica I waited approximately two years for my little sprig to flower. It turns out the pot I transplanted the sprig into was a little large. Now it has fully acclimated and flowers once a year and is spectacular. I imagine yours must have flowered by now and should be doing well. I look forward to mine getting considerably larger and more spectacular.