I have a creeper in a bed that I want to clean out. It has beatiful purple flowers and a, wondering if it would make a nice ground cover. Can someone ID it for me?
How about Glechoma hederacea. I can't really see the shape of the flowers in the picture but the leaves are similiar.
Yup that is it.....Thanks! I found more pics at: http://www.bioimages.org.uk/HTML/R149356.HTM and this description at: http://www.missouriplants.com/Blueopp/Glechoma_hederacea_page.html Flowering - March - July. Habitat - Moist ground, low woods, slopes, roadsides, railroads, disturbed sites, waste ground. Origin - Native to Europe. Other info. - This little plant is one of the first to bloom in the spring and is quite striking. It prefers a somewhat shaded location and moist ground. The plant was cultivated at first but is now escaped and quite common. The flowers produce 4 nutlets each. Since it is introduced, it should not be propagated outside of cultivation. Steyermark lists two varieties in the state. Variety hederacea has corollas to +2cm long. Variety micrantha Moricand has corollas to 1.5cm long and is much more common. Photographs taken in Columbia, MO., 4-15-04.