A friend had this flower in her yard, and has lost it. We'd like to get one, but don't know what it's called! Help, please!
I believe it is Corydalis ambigua. It could also be a variety of the species. That's a very pretty plant. I can see why you'd want it! :) Here's one site with a photo: http://www.cuk.ac.kr/~ecology/L-Corydalis%20ambigua.JPG from this Photo Gallery
Wow! You're right on the money! I had seen a picture of this, but it was not as good, and it didn't look like the same flower. Great! Thanks for replying!
Careful though, this may be a type of Corydalis that is summer dormant and so if she's just lost it recently it might just have had its spring fling and have receded back into its summer slumber. My summer-dormant Corydalises have all died down now - though I helped them along a little by transplanting them after blooming, before that heat wave we had.