We have had this mystery vine in our yard for some time now and don't know what it is. I sprayed some sort of poison oak and ivy killer on it to see if it would get rid of this problem vine but all it did was make it wilt. Please ID it for me and tell me how to get rid of it.
That is the ever popular "morning glory". Unless you want to turn your garden into a toxic waistland its just a matter of elbow grease. Be sure to follow it to the ground and get the roots. Keep at it and you will be rid of it in no time.
hedera, work the earth around the trunk cut the roots of hedera and around the trunk use a plastic film black (in use in nursery)black film is bio degradabile in 2/3 years ,is tranpiration this film is in use again for rock garden...
It's not a Hedera unless there is some other members in the Hedera family other than Ivys. Unless the Morning Glory seeds grow into tubers like the one in my picture, then it can't be a Morning Glory.