I have this weed growing in my yard especially around wetter areas, I know it's a weed, but too pretty to mow over while in bloom, can anyone id it. I apologize if the pics aren't very clear. Thanks. Or is it an actual plant and not a weed? Ive checked out the Bluet plant, but it doesn't quite match, no center yellow ring. I picked one stem this morning, the stem was cut at ground level, the blossoms start of with a tinge of ligt pink, and are in custer with as many a 12. Total hight of the plant is about 6-7 inches. Is it possible that I have found a new plant? so far I have it growing in only two areas on my property, I've been checking sites of weeds and flowers from all over and haven't found anythng that resembles it yet. I'm hoping to hear from our local agricultural college in the coming days, but would appreciate any assisstance in the meantime. Thanks.
Thank you, you have lead me in the right direction, after googling Cardamine, I have, I believe found the correct one. It is Cardamine Digitata Richardson, but which subspecies I am not sure of., more checking to do. If you check it out you may help me confirm this. thanks again. There is a photo in the close-up of plants in habitat under the section of Illustrations.
Plant is to tall, and leaves aren't the same. But I' have found the name of it. Cardamine Digitata Richardson.
OK, that's good. Interesting, said to be an Arctic plant. Cardamine digitata Richardson. On your plant more flowers are coming out along the stem, wondering if it is correct.
Very few pics on web of Cardamine digitata. Found you this herbarium pic. Click images. http://herbarium.uvu.edu/Virtual/details.asp?ID=10094 http://herbarium.uvu.edu/Virtual/viewer.asp?file=09834s2.jpg&title=Cardamine digitata Don't think yours looks like this.
There are quite a few. The web site I found a picture on was;[URL="http://www.mun.ca/biology/delta/articf/_ca/www/bacadi.htm"
Now if I can narrow it down to a specific one, I'll be happy. Also will be trying to find out which one of my feathered friends dropped this package on my yard.
I think I may have narrowed it down to Cardamine pratensis L. subsp. angustifolia. Anyone agree with me out there?
Maybe , was wondering about C. pratensis too, but thought your flower was all white, and just reread your first post and see you mentioned a tinge of pink. Probably more likely than C. digitata considering it's said to be an Artic plant and it seems no flowers along the stems.
Well, I'm thankful for everyones assisstance in this little mystery, I have further decided to ask the agricultural college near me if it is a good decision to remove this plant as it is not native to my province and just in case it is an invasive weed. Thanks again to all.
Here are some more picture of the Cardamine Pretenesis, but the pink bloom version, I found these in an area of my back yard that is quite swampy at this time of the year and very tundra like. Looking around I've found quite a bit of it.