Does anyone know the name of this maple? And any background information about it? I wanted to plant this in front of my front yard.
Japanese maple. Look for similar ones at sales yards or web sites of nurseries offering more than a small number of kinds.
Re: anyone know what maple is this? Try Acer campbellii ssp campbellii or ssp. sinense. A. circinatum is close, but usually has more lobes and the lobes are a bit more "ovate" than this one. Most Japanese Maples are derived from A. palmatum - a few from A. japonicum. The lobes adjacent to the petiole is quite distinct on this sample. On palmatums those lobes fall away from the petiole, on this one they swing back toward the petiole.
Re: anyone know what maple is this? The leaves do indeed look like very like Acer Cambellii ssp cambelli.. However, according to the reference books the sumara are the wrong angle.See....
Re: anyone know what maple is this? Hi Chibiko, Kind of looks like A. palmatum 'Hogyoku' or maybe 'Ichigyogi', hard to be certain with the Japanese maples. Sure has lots of seed, not sure what to think about the arrangement. Did it go a bright orange and have bright green stems ?
Japanese maples with this general appearance are common in plantings here. I have one right across the street from me. They are red forms with the basic leaf shape of A. palmatum subsp. amoenum.
The nomenclature for Japanese Maples is in very bad shape - confusion is a big and often costly problem. It took us a long time to make sense of the names in circulation. Things have escalated recently as the number of Japanese Maples cvs has doubled to over 3,000. We have 20 Acers in our database of which only two have sumara(?) that angle back as much as this one (thanks silver surfer - gotta love the term - I just updated my profile for you). Those two are A. campellii and A. circinatum.
Susan, agree there is much confusion with the Japanese maple cultivars. The older bark appears green in chibiko's photo. The samara angles are also quite variable among the Japanese maple species and cultivars. There are some pics of A. campbellii and ssp. in the photo gallery Suppose this just adds to the confusion.
Does it look anything like this maple? I would be interested to see the summer color and fall color on your maple.
Re: anyone know what maple is this? From the picture I took, the stem looks like bright red. Didn't have a chance to take more pictures of it as now all the leaves are gone.
Mr. Hajime Hayashida's site shows some interesting seed comparisons and much more. Halfway down page in the left column and an Acer campbellii var. campbellii .
A. campbellii is not usually grown in a red-leaved form nor is it hardy enough to be seen persisting in an ordinary planting in Vancouver.
I tend to agree that it's not campbellii, I think this maple is a form of palmatum (or perhaps amoenum to be technical). I don't know if the picture that I posted is the same tree in question, but I think it is somewhat similar to the tree I suspect it to be. I was going through some pictures and came across this picture which is what came to mind when I first looked at the tree in question. This picture shows three forms of this tree from the spring, and I think your tree could at least be related to one of these forms on the left. I could be wrong as it is hard to tell from what is shown without having seen the tree for a few seasons and in person, but that leaf and those clusters of seed are very close to what I have seen on a few specimens here.
i have two campbelli spp.sinense and Rogov ,for me isn't campbelli,i agree with Ron palmatum spp amoenum..
Followed a link from Henriette's Herbal to A site with an exquisite array of over 900 images of Acers. Browsing there found the follow - pretty good match to the original post:
I agree the leaf is similar, but there is more to identifying an Acer than just the shape of the leaf, other factors need to be taken into account.
I agree with the amoenum diagnosis. My first thought on seeing the pictures were amoenum, the elongated tip of each leaf lobe is typical of this species (or subspecies of Acer palmatum). Forms of amoenum such as 'Osakazuki' also have the bright red samaras. The fall colour of 'Osakazuki' may be redder than the one pictured, but the form in general is probably as close as any that can easily be obtained.
Re: anyone know what maple is this? i agree with this osservation!samaras are different please if possible send pics of bark