I heard of this plant. It is Deffenbachia tiger, isn't it? There is no plant named as Tiger in Deffenbachia. I don´t know why. what is the name of this Deffenbachia?
Don't believe it is Dieffenbachia seguina. This one is knew to me so I'm sending this thread to several experts in the genus for a possible identification. The reason you wouldn't find Dieffenbachia Tiger on any list is that is not a species name. Sounds like a common name instead. Unless it is a registered cultivar those types of names rarely show up on technical lists. The best place to check for registered cultivar lists is here: http://mobot.mobot.org/W3T/Search/vast.html And the best place to check for scientific names is here: http://mobot.mobot.org/W3T/Search/vast.html On the Missouri Botanical Garden site just type in the genus name (Dieffenbachia) and then look for the species list. Click on the species list and you can review the entire list of all known scientifically described species. Once you see one you want to know more about, click on that name. However, common names will not be found. Be prepared to do some searching since there are over 180 known species and variations in this genus. The number of hybrids must be astronomical.