I noticed this web-like filmy stuff all over the tree in my backyard. It continues from the bottom of the trunk all the way up into the branches, even covering some. I am very concerned as this tree towers over the gazeebo and my house. Whatever it is seems to be taking over! Please help!
It's certainly interesting. After reading about wasp nests containing 100 000 yellowjacket wasps recently, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a very enterprising group of spiders. Notice any insects or spiders in the webbing?
I couldn't see one insect. Very strange. Also it looks a little slimy. Can't be a fungus could it? Webbed like that?
Well the verdict is in.I was out mowing the lawn and I walked into a giant network of webs and saw these crab looking spiders (spinybacked orbweaver). I'd seen a few before in the yard but never so many at one time. Then I noticed the webbing was on the other three small oaks I have way in the back. I've been at this house for two years and never noticed the webbing on the trees. Now all of sudden they're covering the darn things. Don't think I can get rid of them. If I undertsand correctly there is no product on the market that can dissolve the webs. At least they're not poisonous, and apparently they shouldn't survive long after winter here. We'll see. Hopefully after winter they won't come back.
Good that it's solved! One other thing from photo #1 - that nail wants pulling out, before it gets embedded deeply in the tree.
I have the same problem in one of my trees. I have found small aphid-like insects crawling throughout the webbing. Any ideas what these might be?
They may be beneficial but they're not all that great for aesthetics. A tree next to your gazeebo that looks like its been slimed by aliens isn't all that pleasant looking. Actually, it's kinda scary!