Identification: What is my plant?

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Si429, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. Si429

    Si429 New Member

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    portland, OR, USA
    How I have dichotomous key'd myself out! I cannot find the name/ or anything CLOSE to my plant. I know not what it is- but I do know the following: I bought it in the summertime of Oregon-that means sunny, breezy weather-- which it loves. I also think it MIGHT be an asian plant. Why? The plant (i think) was called something to the theme of "red/tiger/lily?/dragon?" I might be entirely wrong but it had a cool name to the effect of red tiger or something. It grows long and tall and produces 5 split leaves in one. Like the iconic marijuana plant. It also grows (IMPORTANTLY) a red adorable flower that might have yellow ends but is shaped like a hanging ornament when it doesn't open all the way. When opened, its pistil is thin and single in the middle. The flowers hang so beautifully. I have only had it bloom ONE flower that didn't open all the way and it just was a lovely red ball ornament hanging.
    - Can be outdoors BUT NOT IN COLD.
    -Can be indoors and is a part-sun plant.
    -tall and just so lovely :)

    SOMEONE please help me find this mystery plant.

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  2. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Hibiscus radiatus...?

    Welcome to the Forum!
  3. Si429

    Si429 New Member

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    portland, OR, USA
    Thank you for your reply! I checked and it is not the hibiscus radiatus. The hibiscus is wide and defined open and magenta colored- mine is red like fire engine red with a yellow dipped look (so little). And they're downward facing.

    It also doesn't make bulbs like the picture attached of the Hibiscus Radiatus. Thank you so very much for your reply :) I do think it might be in that family...? The leaves are a little less defined on my plant than the Hibiscus. Softer edges

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  4. woodschmoe

    woodschmoe Active Member 10 Years

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    gulf island, bc, canada
    Looks/sounds like it could be Abutilon 'Red Tiger.
  5. Si429

    Si429 New Member

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    portland, OR, USA
    Thank you so very much woodschmoe! :)
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2014
  6. woodschmoe

    woodschmoe Active Member 10 Years

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    gulf island, bc, canada
    Assuming that the ID is confirmed, you might be interested to note that the flowers are edible--and actually quite good.
  7. Si429

    Si429 New Member

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    portland, OR, USA
    Edible flowers? No way! I hope it blooms again :(
    Woodschmoe, I have another question for you: because this is my first time in the field of gardening (which I've always admired and am trying to incorporate in my life) I have a question about my abutilon red tiger. It seems that although it's winter here in oregon and I keep my plant indoors, AND only water it every few days, its leaves are turning yellow at the tips and getting droopy. Its soil is a compost/what it came in mix and I incorporated a few broken egg shells (I read calcium is what they get from it) and banana peel; Very little, and mixed in with the soil. I am sad that it's not looking healthy. The soil feels humid-like, but light, and I placed little pebbles around the plant to keep moisture in...but I'm a kinder-GARDENER, and know not what I really do.

    What can I, or should I do? I don't want it to die...I will be so, so sad.
    To add, my money tree plant, another of my small collection, is also not very happy. It seems to be the pickiest plant with me- I hardly ever water it (one of its trunks is all mushy and green inside/the bark or skin is peeling off) and I know not what to do with it. Have you any advice? Neither are sprouting new leaves although the abutilon WAS making leaves a few weeks ago. Am I killing my plants? THANK YOU so very much for your help. I hope to eat my plant's flowers one day -_-

  8. woodschmoe

    woodschmoe Active Member 10 Years

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    gulf island, bc, canada
    Not being much of a house-plant guy, I'm afraid I can't offer much on this. Hopefully, one of the many indoor cultivation folks on here will be able to give you some more informed advice (I lost mine in an especially cold winter--I had it in the ground in an unheated greenhouse, not in a container). I would say that the pot looks on the small side. Also, winter light is often an issue (here in the Northwest at any rate). Rather than watering on a set schedule, only water when the soil needs it: could be either too wet or too dry, depending. If it's just the leaf tips, though, and the plant looks relatively healthy overall, it might just be a time of year thing, and it will push out nice new growth in the spring.

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