What is killing my apple mint plant?

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by London Lyn, Sep 24, 2011.

  1. London Lyn

    London Lyn Member

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    London, UK
    Hi all,

    I bought a really lovely apple mint plant which looked really healthy two weeks ago. I bought some multipurpose compost and repotted it, and a few days later I noticed that there was some odd discolouration on the leaves.

    Please help! What is this and how do I fix it? I found about 4 small bright yellow bugs here and there on the leaves (you can see two in the picture on the top right leaf if you really squint..).

    I left it for another few days to see if the mint plant would recover, and more and more leaves became affected. Some at the bottom of the plant turned completely brown and mouldy =( So I picked off all the affected leaves a few days ago, and now I'm worried my mint plant may not recover.

    Any advice on: 1) how to prevent this from happening again, and 2) how to make sure the remains of my poor plant survives, would be much appreciated!

    By the way, I bought a rosemary plant at the same time and repotted it with the same potting mix, and it is doing fine.

    Thanks in advance

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  2. saltcedar

    saltcedar Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Austin, Tx
    Sounds like aphid and looks like Leaf Miner, Neem oil should treat both problems.
  3. London Lyn

    London Lyn Member

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    London, UK
    Thanks very much!

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