Please, I have a cactus which is coming into flower (see photo) it is about eight years old and it has never flowered before, is it going to die after it has flowered!!!. What is it called, I lost the lable many moons ago. THANKS, ARETEAH PS. A first time Post I hope the photo is ok!!!.
Aeonium? It doesn't look to be a monocarpic plant (one that dies after flowering), those usually have the flower stems at the apex of the shoot, whereas yours has several flowering stems of different ages as lateral (side) shoots, and the growing point of the main stem is continuing growth.
I think that you have a Echeveria which there are a 150 species and some hybrids so its hard to nail exactly which one you have. I have quite a few in my collection and this looks to be similar to some of mine.
It looks like Echeveria x imbricata, one of the most common and 'old-fashioned' echeverias. The rosette will not die after flowering; moreover, it produces offsets from the stem base (visible in your pic!), and even detached leaves will form plantlets from the base if laid on soil. Actually I think Wask may be right about it being 'Perle von Nurnberg' (note correct spelling, though should have umlaut on the u; Nuremburg is English name of the city, not compatible with "Perle von"). But I suspect that this has similar parentage to E. x imbricata.