Hello, This was a rare find I bought from a local grower’s field. He always has extremely rare plants that he has been growing for over 40 years. The problem is nothing is labeled. Sometimes he may graft a few of something 30 years ago, but never brings it into production. Needless to say this was one of those plants that I bought from him and it was grafted so long ago they could not remember the variety. Any ideas on what this find may be? Thanks in advance for any feedback!
Thank you very much for your feedback Michael! After a Google search of your recommendation I can certainly see the resemblance and characteristics of Abies nordmanniana. Mine almost seems like it has slight Pendula characteristics, but not quite as weeping as an Abies nordmanniana 'Pendula' variety. Thanks again for your help on solving this mystery. If anyone has a guess on the variety please let me know.