I inherited this plant from my gandmother. It's about 60 to 70 years old. The largest leaf is about 18" long, leather like, about 4" wide and slightly scalloped. It climbs but doesn't resemble any vines I'm familiar with. Some leaves generate from leaves. It just starting flowering (2 so far). They generate from the leaf and hang down. They are white with pink edging. There are petals on outside of the bloosom with a spike like center. The base of the plant is stalk like, several. It has some hairs on the leaves and stalks. I am not well versed in the description of plants but can anyone help me identify this plant by this description?
It sounds like it could be a Philodendron, but a number of tropical vines answer to your description. Can you post us a picture?
definitely sounds aroid in nature and is probably a philodendron. could also be a monstera. i'll third the request for some pics.
It may not even be a true vine plant. With some older plants, or neglected plants, they can take on a vine look when they are reaching for light.
The flower reminds me of a Night blooming Cereus/Epiphyllum Do you know what the dark veined plant is at the top of your photo? I am assuming that's a different plant from the one in question. Gorgeous leaves!
It is , in fact, part of the same plant and is the where the flower is generating from. Thanks for your response and interest.