Hi, I have a plant and I don't know what it is. It came with a Poinsettia plant I bought at Christmas time. The place I bought it from did not know what it was. I have just recently checked at 2 florists in town, and one of them thought it was a Shamrock or clover. It only has 1 leaf though. there is a milky substance inside the stems, like Rosemary plants have. It has had these little white flowers on it since I first bought it. I am sending you an attachment of my scanning of it. I hope you can help me with this. Thank You, Barb
Greetings Barb Rudstrom I think it is this euphorbia diamond frost http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/16/AR2007051600325.html http://www.provenwinners.com/plants...arch=1&searchKeywords=euphorbia&btnSearch=go&
Hi Pierrot, Thank you for your quick response. While I was off my computer my neighbor showed me a picture in "Martha Stewart LIVING" magazine, March 2008, pg 91. The Pure Magic, flowering combination shown on that page. Listed below it is Diamond Frost "Euphorbia Hybrid" as part of the flower arrangment. I was just going to serch the internet for the flowering combinations listed for "Pure magic" when I deceided to check my email and got your response. Thank you soooo much. I am now going to find out more about this plant and hopfully this is the one I am looking for. Barb