Hi, I have had my devil's backbone plant for approx 1 year. Everything good with it until the past few weeks where I've noticed parts of some leaves withering. It sits indoors on windowsill. Water it only when it seems pretty dry (every few weeks). Can anyone give me some much needed advice as to where I'm going wrong? Thanks.
Does the container have drainage holes at the bottom? If not this may be the problem since most houseplants require excellent drainage.
It does not. I will repot asap. Should I cut the affected leaves off or leave until they naturally detach? Thank you.
Yes, repot asap into well draining soil. When repotting inspect the roots. If they are not in good shape maybe it could be good to start a new plant. There are three ways to propagate Mother of Thousands - from stem cuttings, leaves, and from plantlets. There is a lot of info on the Net how to do it: mother of thousands propagation from cuttings - Google Search Do not fertilize at least until the plant fully recovered, or, in case of the new ones, until they are well rooted. When watering do it thoroughly and always use water at room temperature. Do not allow the water escaped through drainage holes in the pot remain for too long in the saucer under it.