I have 2 Janpanese beetle bags hanging in the yard. Bucks County, PA. Something is ripping them open at night. There are large holes in the bottom and the beetles are all over the ground. What could be doing this? Any ideas????
I should add that I'm in a woodland setting and there are no dogs around. It's something wild. .......stumped.
except for skunks (vegy eaters), it could be any of the other animals michael mentioned. also oppossum and possibly bats. could even be some bird.
Boy I never had these problems in the suburbs. LOL I've never seen any of the animals that you all have mentioned (except a bat) but out here in the woods is a totally different world and we haven't been here a year quite yet. I'll try hanging the bags from trees instead of on the metal poles that stick in the ground, that come with the kit. Do you think that will make a difference or not? Thanks much for the answer. I have another weird question. Since you seem to know about woodland animals maybe you'll have some ideas. A couple of days ago I covered up the septic tank cover in the back yard with black gardening paper, rocks around the edge and then dirt and mulch. There was some odor coming from around the edges so I solved it this way. This morning the dirt was dug away in 2 spots and 2 holes chewed in the black paper, right where there is a gap under the lid. This allowed something to get down to the YUCKY drain below. My question is what in the world would want to do down there??????? The hole was only an inch or so, at most. I'll cover it back up but do you think deer repellent would keep it away? Thanks
that may be a raccoon too. Not that it went down the hole. But it was probably smelling it and since the scent was strongest right there, that's where it dug. But it could have been a dog or anything. Deer repellent, maybe not so much. My suggestion would be to put some ground hot pepper powder sprinkled over the dirt. usually it will burn the paws the same way it burns your mouth and they don't like that. Works especially good on squirrels. Except that they are smart enough to find another way about it. Good luck!