I found this really weird looking plant growing at the edge of my yard. I was born and raised about 75 miles from here and don't remember ever seeing anything like this. I realize that 75 miles can be a world away for native plant species so I guess it could be something native to the area and not something planted by aliens!! Ha-ha. It has single stems rising out of the ground with what looks like a flower head on top. The stems are slightly sticky with hairs on them and the flowers look like they haven't opened yet, maybe they don't; at any rate, it's a strange looking thing! Can anyone help with an ID?
Thanks Gordo, that's what it is! Ron, my yard is surrounded by forest. We're about 15 miles from the nearest town and up in the hills. There are huge Bull Pines about 10 feet behind the grass and plants in my pictures. Probably how the Pinedrops got where they are.