I just bought a place in Snohomish, Wash. When I was looking at the place I thought the previous owners must have been farming Fozglove for some reason. This plant is all over everywhere near the house and driveway and ditch... but doesn't seem to have crept up the rest of the 6 acres up the hill. I can't find it in any of my weed/flower/herb books and it causes me concern because I have not been able to identify if it is toxic or not and I have grazing critters. THe plant is hairy, but they are not soft hairs like mullien... like I said at first I thought it was Foxglove all over because of the shape of the leaves and rosettes everywhere but as soon as I saw flower stalks growing I knew it wasn't. The flower stalks are squarish like mint but there is no aroma but a plant/earth type smell when squished or picked... hairy stems hairy leaves... little itty bitty blue flowers, 5 petals, seems to bloom one at a time but then it's early yet... I'm sorry my cell phone pictures suck so bad. Please, can anyone help me to identify this? Thank you so much!