My Red Maple tree is 40ish years old. There hasn't been a problem with my tree until.... A few days ago we had a hard rain storm come through the area, then we noticed the top part of my tree. The leaves have dried up, curled up and falling off, the affect is going down the tree. Its not like this is the first rain storm, or even the first hail storm to hit the area. I will try to post a picture. Thanks for any help I can get. Donna
I just took my camera out for a close up picture. OMG Now I know why my cat doesn't set under the tree. We have a Caterpillar problem big time. Will be calling someone today. Donna
Good evening Donna and welcome to the maples forum. It would be very helpful if you could post some photos, so that members can see what you are seeing. Here is a link to help you in adding photos. Attach photos and files
Hi Donna, I don't think these symptoms are caused by heavy rain, unless the soil retains a lot of water and there is root-rot. I'm afraid it may be a fungal infection, related or not to this heavy rainstorm. As Derek said, pictures would held to try and make a proper diagnosis.
IMHO, the good news is that the leaves are dropping = tree is alive. A life-process is required to make the membrane across the petiole base that affects abscission. Root anoxia from the heavy rain seems a possible explanation. Leaves will not drop when the tree is dead or as the consequence of fungal infections by pathogens such as verticillium and nectria. So, not meaning to be contrary, I don't see this to be an indicator of a fungal infection.
The OP said in post #2 that the tree is infested with caterpillars, seems most likely to be the cause of the problem.