maybe someone can help, i've googled and can't find out what this plant is. it was given to me and it is so cute in bloom that i want to know how to take care of it. It has fuzzy leaves and light purple flowers grow on the end of the thin stick looking things. a stem broke off a few days ago, i stuck it in water in hopes of starting another plant but so far nothing.
wow that's so cool- you're amazing! thanks Tony! i also have 2 other plants i'm curious about. one has star like leaves with tall purple flowers, i had 2 last year and love them, now i'm finding new ones popping up in the grass around it. the other plant has yellow flowers and now i notice star shaped seed pods. the problem is a few years ago i scattered wild flower seeds, now i don't know what is a weed or what i should keep! the yellow flower one is spreading and taking over everything around it.