I was just at the UBC Botanical Gardens March 26, 2011. I noticed the big Wollemia had about 1/2 burnt/brown needles, but the one on the other side of the building (3-4 foot) was fiine. What happened? Is this just winter damage? I have one at home & want to be aware of any disease issues. Thanks.
That's winter damage, it got to 8° below in November. Looks like well more than half brown leaves to me. We'll see how it does this summer. There is only one Wollemia nobilis planted at UBCBG, so not sure what other plant you were looking at. There is a Torreya nucifera (Taxaceae) on the other side of the Shop?
Yes, of course it was damaged: this is a tropical tree. People have also gotten bunya-bunya to live outdoors up here - for a few years, until a normal winter occurs.