Trying to identify a flowering tree, the flowers of which are light pink to white (mostly light pink), the flower looks like a Chrysantemum, the flower is speckled in pink. The tree's owner of this very,very,very beautiful tree believes it may be from"abroad". Please help no local person knows what the tree is or can even guess. Thank you so very much. Sincerely, Dr.A.G.Lowell, Santa Barbara, California email to:, please. Thank you for any consideration. No one has ever seen such beauitiful flowers that look most like a football chrysanthemum on a tree before!
Hi Dr. A.G. Lowell: You will want to take some pics of this plant and try to post them into this forum if you can. If you are unsure how to post the images then contact Daniel Mosquin as he can help you. There is a nursery near you in Carpenteria that specializes in producing Chrysanthemum standards. They are Chrysanthemums that are trained to become a tree. Years ago (1992) there was a grouping of three plants in a border near the Sansum Medical Center. On a further note: Many people have on occasion called a certain Pink Snowball - a form of Viburnum, for example, a Chrysanthemum tree (actually a large shrub) as the flowers to the untrained eye can look a lot like a Chrysanthemum. To know which Viburnum it may be if the plant is not a Chrysanthemum standard, then we will need to see some pictures of it. Jim
Welcome Summerzug to this amazing site. Unfortunately we will never know the correct answer as Dr.A.G Lowell did not add a picture.Do visit again, you can learn so much from here .
A weeping double cherry seems like a great fit except he concluded by saying that the flowers were like a football mum specifically - maybe it was something like a Jatropha.