Is this an identifiable Euphorbia cultivar? Seen last week at Butchart Gardens. The thin leaves are very soft. Maybe 4 cm long? Flowers are small too.
Thank you. Euphorbia cyparissias. Looks just like it. Cypress spurge. Euphorbia cyparissias - Plant Finder: Midwest Noxious Weed: Do Not Plant. Yes, in red. Presumably I don't need to feel bad about enjoying it on the west coast.
Hello Wendy - you certainly don't need to feel bad about enjoying this particular euphorbia but you will almost certainly feel bad about planting it in your garden unless you like that wild, every plant for itself look. Euphorbia cyparissias is beguilingly pretty with those amazing chartreuse flowers gracing the soft green foliage but, beware, it can run faster than you can.
speaking of taking over like Margot wrote above - one euphorbia I really like is E dulcis Chameleon i have it at the coast it is small *maybe 12 x 12 inches small leaves purple green color = it is a design team player - not the f0cal point now - it does seed a bit - but that's ok - it is not like seeding a mass of dandelion and it dies back and sometimes gets a summer mold mildew and it needs some water in the hot coast summer I first acquired this plant years ago in the early days of the plant growers coming up with cute labels and brand theme names and turning gardening in to more than just spring geraniums and fall bulbs it was a line called "fall magic' - it was beautiful and one "had" to buy the "suite" of plants to make the containers look just right - no surprise there!