I dug up a row of grape vines last year and planted some raspberry canes. They have not exactly thrived. The peas planted at the end of the row produced very well, but the raspberries hardly grew at all. I'm planting some more this spring, and want to know what I should add to the soil.
Full sun and perfect drainage. Depending on what, exactly was stunting yours adding something to the soil may not address the problem at all.
Well, the grape vines seemed to be doing just fine. I'm thinking maybe the soil needs to be more acidic? I did add some fertilizer especially for small fruits at the time of planting.
I wouldn't assume that. Maybe the planting stock was just wimpy, maybe this/maybe that. Being a commercial crop raspberries can have a number of different problems (when plants are grown for a long time in a region in quantity pest and disease agents are apt to build up). If you are wondering about the soil think about looking into sampling it and having it tested. Fertilizing based on guesses or hopes of hitting the right target can be quite a waste of time. And you can overdo something that is already abundant in the soil, phosphorus for instance and then create a new problem.