Hey everyone, I am in some botanic trouble. My Epipremnum Aureum is doing extremely well here, Getting mostly indirect summer sun in the center of the Netherlands. However, I fear it might be a bit too much for her own good if I don't interfere. As you can see on the pictures provided, one particular branch is sprinting outwards. Also visible is an attachment point on my ceiling. Now someone (who I believe) told me this plant could cover the ceiling in green, given enough time. That would be awesome. What i understand from the state in which i bought this plant, is that is a climber and does not (at first) create a stem able to support the weight of the plant. Thus, a replacement stem must be provided. My question is, what is a cheap and good (long term) solution for this? Can I just go to my local toolshop and buy a piece of wood? or will this rot and fall apart strained by the plant? Any advice is greatly appreciated as this is the first plant I own and have yet to learn the more advanced plant caring. Ps, here is a foto taken day 1. the branch encircled is the same as on the picture above, only 1 1/2 month earlier