I have a buddy, he asked me what kind of fruit trees that he can plant, im trying to persuade him in going different difrection( i am aware that the okanogan is prime fruit growing turf). What if any, palms or bananas can be grown In vernon?
None, if he is east of the mountains. Too cold. (Japanese banana might be possible, with some fiddling - but the fruits of that one are not eaten).
Canadianplant ... Your post did peak my curiousity. I was through that general region recently and was renewed with the sense much more could and should be grown there. Climate is similar to eastern WA (east of the Casdades) and fruit trees of proven performance are recommended. If your "buddy" wants to experiment outside of the fruit category, Yucca, Cacti, Agave and succulents are perhaps a gardening alternative. Cheers, LPN.
When I looked up the hardiness zones, It was placed in 7b - 6a ( depends on what information you are looking at ), but his father, who has been therearound 15 years said he hasnt sen it go past - 8. I was thinking of suggesting Musa Basjoo, as a good benchmark for his zone.