Hi, I'm having troubles identifying the herbs in the image I've attached. Did some Internet searching and couldn't come up with anything. Does anyone know what the two herbs in my attached picture are? Thanks! Nicki
They superficially resemble two varieties of Mint, or possibly Basil. What do they smell like when you crush a leaf?
I agree with lorax, sure looks like mint. The left one must be a mint. The right one is probably mint. Both should smell like mint.
Interesting guesses saltcedar, I could see that - especially the right one. A quick sniff would prove mint right or wrong. All mint smells very much like mint.
Verbena can be pretty leggy. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Verbena_Peruviana_fax03.JPG (I know, I know, you asked Chris...)
As a matter of fact I do, it looks a LOT like the leggy native Verbenas here in texas. http://lh6.ggpht.com/_OY5jTV8ybp4/SdbKJhLVF3I/AAAAAAAABt0/mUybCxhrcsE/verbena_thumb[1].jpg http://bp1.blogger.com/_g_Iiu8RLsAM/R8yKLJfrAYI/AAAAAAAAAXA/_EKqq7DjpEk/s1600-h/sm_early_verbena.jpg
No worries, Larry. The Verbenas (true verbenas, that is) here are all very low-growing plants in the mesas and paramos; I'm not used to seeing tall ones. We have a small verbena similar to the one in your second link, Chris, and it literally hugs the dirt.
Hi! Thanks for all of your replies. The dark one on the right doesn't really have any smell at all. Definitely not mint. The lighter one on the left is a bit lemony, almost Lavender-ish. Doesn't have a minty smell either. Thanks for your help, I'll continue to research. Nicki