This shouldn't be too much of a problem as Carduus pycnophalus grows in the area where I reside. Carduus tenuiflorus is to be found growing in N.Italy! As one can see from the photographs, the leaves and stem are greyish, almost as if there is a spider's web over the leaves. Perhaps I made a mistake in the identification. As Carduus tenuiflorus can reach a height of 100 cm. Where as Carduus pycnophalus can reach 120 cm in height. The specimen that I photographed C.pycno. was easily over 120 cm tall. Appreciate an ID and I thank you in advance. I am having problems uploading, then sending, of my photographs
@duffy, I'm not sure what you mean by the two steps (uploading, then sending). Uploading to the forum? Are you using the Upload a File button? Well, don't answer here - could you describe your problems in the thread on Photo display problems Please include the operating system and browser you are using.
Plant heights in most field guides are... guidelines. There are always exceptions, and also the possibility of a polypoloid with hybrid vigour.